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Welcome to Infineon Raceway…Pressure June 18, 2009

Posted by claireblang in 2009 Season, Listeners, My Show, NASCAR.
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I just arrived at Infineon Raceway and am setting up my home away from home in the studio here at Infineon Raceway. I got a bunch of email about whether I’m going to Wisconsin and the Milwaukee Mile again this weekend instead of Infineon which has been the mode the last couple of years.

This year, while my heart will be home with family and friends I’ve met in Milwaukee, I’ll be situated in the Sonoma Valley covering both races. Since I am in the booth for the pre race show it would be hard to anchor the show from a bar in Milwaukee across from the Milwaukee Mile. But it sure was fun wasn’t it? I’ll figure out a way to do that again one day – but this weekend I’m in the beautiful Sonoma Valley.

My “Dialed In” With Claire B. Lang broadcast schedule is as follows:
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Dialed In 7-10 EST LIVE from Infineon Raceway

Friday, June 19, 2009
Dialed In- 3-6:30 EST LIVE from Infineon Raceway (pre Sprint Cup Qualifying)

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Dialed In -5-8:30 p.m.EST leading up to the start of the NorthernTool.com 250

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Dialed In – 11-1 p.m. EST leading up to the start of the Sirius NASCAR Radio Pre Race Show.

SIRIUS NASCAR Radio Pre Race Show- Sunday, June 21 – 1:00-3:00 p.m. EST
Claire B. will be in the booth for the Sirius NASCAR Radio Pre Race Show

SIRIUS NASCAR Radio Post Race Show – Sunday, June 21 POST RACE
Claire B will open up LIVE from Victory Lane on the Sirius NASCAR Radio Post Race Show

Enjoy the day!!

  • Oil Rig Helicopter Pilot’s Bet on Dale Jr’s Michigan Finish:

    NOTE: See the photo of John in Louisiana’s landing spot (he’s the guy who made the bet with me last week that Dale Junior would finish in the top ten at Michigan. He lost the bet so he is going to send me a photo of him with a sign indicating he lost and with at least one of the oil rig guys near the helicopter and the sign. Check out where John has to land his helicopter when he shuttles the guys to the rig each day woah!

    Helecopter Pilot 174

    Read these Billy Joel Lyrics and then my notes below it.

    Pressure (Billy Joel)

    You have to learn to pace yourself


    You’re just like everybody else


    You’ve only had to run so far

    So good

    But you will come to a place

    Where the only thing you feel

    Are loaded guns in your face

    And you’ll have to deal with


    You used to call me paranoid


    But even you can not avoid


    You turned the tap dance into your crusade

    Now here you are with your faith

    And your Peter Pan advice

    You have no scars on your face

    And you cannot handle pressure

    All grown up and no place to go

    Psych 1, Psych 2

    What do you know?

    All your life is Channel 13

    Sesame Street

    What does it mean?



    Don’t ask for help

    You’re all alone


    You’ll have to answer

    To your own


    I’m sure you’ll have some cosmic rationale

    But here you are in the ninth

    Two men out and three men on

    Nowhere to look but inside

    Where we all respond to



    All your life is Time Magazine

    I read it too

    What does it mean?


    I’m sure you’ll have some cosmic rationale

    But here you are with your faith

    And your Peter Pan advice

    You have no scars on your face

    And you cannot handle pressure

    Pressure, pressure

    One, two, three, four



    Exposure, Television Mentions, Superior Performance More Crucial Than Ever

    The song “Pressure” by Billy Joel summarizes the state of drivers and team members in the sport headed into this weekend’s race here at Infineon. It struck me of late that when I am live with the winners in victory lane how many drivers and crew chiefs are now talking about the great vehicles that the manufacturer that they race for puts on the show room floors. Arm chair quarterbacking after the fact is always easy but maybe some more of that should have been going on before the economic crisis hit Detroit’s big three.

    Tough times teach us a lot – and I always say when times are tough the Good Lord is preparing us so that we’ll be humble when we win the lottery. Good times are coming. What lesson are we supposed to learn at this juncture? Am I the only one who thinks that some of what we have experienced, yes even in our sport, has made us appreciate it more?

    While GM teams ponder where to cut back to assist GM in their restructuring while professing long-standing support to Chevrolet – sponsors looking ahead to renewing or signing contracts with the sport look to the performance of teams and drivers like never before.

    Team members are uneasy, not sure where budget cutbacks will come from and hoping this is not the weekend that they mess up. Team owners and drivers say that they are resourceful and I agree. No one has seen yet what teams and drivers and crew guys will do to make teams thrive in tough times. I think it’s not like anything you’ll see in other sports — I think the resourcefulness of folks on NASCAR teams (creativity is what made winners in the sport) will lead to decisions that no one has yet thought of. Other sports – No I don’t see that resourcefulness not to the level of what will come from decisions made in tough times by smart team owners. Add to that the loyalty of the true fans and even in tough times, maybe more so in tough times, the sport will find a way.

    The pressure to perform which has been a part of this circuit forever is ramped up to a level these days that will absolutely affect the racing -perhaps for the positive. This is not the time to be mediocre and survive. This is a time when funding is on the line like never before and no one can race unmentioned at the back of the field and stay in the game for long with sponsors looking for the payback on every penny to justify the spending to boards of directors. Does NASCAR give the payback to sponsors? With everyone on their game yes – and the game will be stepped up.

    Drivers and team members know that, and since these guys (team members) do not dwell on the negative but rather the perpetual series of opportunities for hope that each race presents – they are not talking about it much. Where will the cutbacks come from? What programs, what team members and are layoffs in the future for these teams? These questions are inside, unsaid within the sport this race weekend.

    Those answers are yet to come. Team owners are positive and loyal and they will find a way.

    But as we head into this weekend -even more so than ever…for many in the sport – there is more pressure.

    Welcome to Sonoma. It’s going to be a heck of a race.

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    Pictures – Worth a Thousand Words: Behind the Scenes – Behind the Microphone! April 1, 2009

    Posted by claireblang in 2009 Season, Items of Interest, Listeners, Mail.
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    I always enjoy getting notes at insidercbl [at] aol [dot] com about where folks are listening to “Dialed In” on Sirius NASCAR Radio. You all probably don’t know how much I enjoy knowing who I am talking to coast to coast. That’s why I reply to emails and enjoy hearing what driver you follow and how you got into this sport. Every day, just before I flip on the microphone in my studio at home or in the media center at the race track and tell the story of the day, I envision who is out there in my mind. It’s strange, but I have never been nervous in front of a microphone because while I am scrunched up in my chair in the studio room in the front of my house in front of the big picture window, or looking down over a race track late at night on the air live – I never feel alone. I feel as though my neighbors and friends are the people out there listening coast to coast. I like having a close up conversation with all of you – even if you are too shy to call in.

    I have never called into a radio station — unless I was calling in an official report. I would have been to darn shy to do that before I was in radio. So I am well aware that there’s a vast group of people who listen but remain unidentified. So, late at night, I sort of envision in my mind who is out there so that I see a huge group of people in my mind before I flip the switch and go live.

    I decided, along with my broadcast schedule, I will be posting some more photos for the blog. The photos I will post today include: My trip to Jelloville, Susie the Queen of Jelloville, surprising Gloria (a listener who I just met at Bristol) with a scale model of the race track for her birthday, getting “arrested” by NASCAR officials at the Jail and Bail Fundraiser, posing for Pit Road Pets with “Rosie”, para sailing over Lake Lloyd over Daytona near the Blimp, interviewing David Pearson and Leonard Wood at Atlanta Motor Speedway a couple of weeks ago and more. Click on the photos and check them out.

    Here’s my broadcast schedule for the weekend (SIRIUS NASCAR Radio Channel 128 and “Best of SIRIUS on XM Channel 128:

    “Dialed In” – Wednesday, April 1, 2009 – 7-10 p.m. EST
    “Dialed In” – Thursday, April 2, 2009 – 7-10 p.m. EST (LIVE from Texas Motor Speedway)
    “Dialed In” – Friday April 3, 2009 – 7-10 p.m. EST (LIVE from Texas Motor Speedway)
    “Dialed In” – Saturday April 4,2009 2-2:30 pm. EST (LIVE from Texas Motor Speedway) Pre Race for the Nationwide Race
    “Dialed In” – Saturday, April 4, 2009 – After the Nationwide race until 7:00 p.m. EST
    PRE RACE – Sunday April 5, 2009 – 10 a.m. EST – Noon
    POST RACE – CBL in Victory Lane
    “Dialed In” Post Race – after the Post Race until 10 p.m. EST.

    Jason (Dialed In listeners prayed for his recovery) Update

    Remember Gabe the “Dialed In” listener who wrote about Jason the racing buddy he met at the track and became friends with? Jason fell at work off a railroad bridge and was not expected to come out of the coma he was in. Gabe contacted me and asked for my listeners to pray for his friend. With all your prayers we had a miracle and Jason recovered – which was not even expected by doctors. Well the good news is that I got photos and a nice note from Gabe that Jason was able to visit the races at Bristol and Martinsville for a short time. Since he was still recovering they didn’t tell anyone they were coming yet but Gabe got to see his friend again for the first time. You can check out the photos on this site which I just posted. Everyone should have a friend like Gabe who, when the chips were down, wrote a broadcaster who he didn’t even know asking for her to solicit prayers for his friend. The story still amazes me. Below is Gabe’s recent note:

    Hey Claire,

    Its been a while and I have been meaning to write to you to update you on the latest with Jason, but with trying to get ready for a new baby its starting to get hectic.

    Well on to the good news, Jason and Tara was able to attend the Atlanta race, Tara said Jason’s head was hurting however he didn’t want to leave because Gordon was doing so well.

    This past week I was fortunate enough to get to go and spend some time with both Jason and Tara at the Nationwide race. We got to watch Happy Hour and he made sure to let me know that the 24 was higher on the scoring tower than the 88. However, Jason got to feeling bad and wasn’t able to make it to the start of the Nationwide race and also was still ill on Sunday and missed the Cup race. But it was definitely a true blessing from God to be at the track sitting and enjoying being there with my dear friends.

    Its only been 6 months and in one way it seems like a long 6 months,but on the other hand its been a short 6 months seeing the major steps that Jason has taken. None of this would have been possible without the dear Lord. All of the millions of prayers that went out for Jason back in November and still today are being heard and answered one by one.

    I just wanted to email you and let you know that another of my prayers was answered to be at the track with Jason, enjoying one of the things that we both love doing most in life.

    And one other good bit of news was that Jason has been accepted to rehab closer to home in Johnson City TN. Now he will be able to be in the company of his many friends and see that they support and stand by him all the way. The dear lord is still answering everyone’s prayers. He still has a long road ahead of him but with the prayers that are still going up for him I know that the lord will guide him the rest of the way.
    I am attaching a few pictures of Jason and Tara at the Atlanta Race, and A picture of us three at the Nationwide race in Bristol.
    I just wanted to say Thank you again for getting word out about this situation and for all of you support during this time. You have truly been a blessing sent from heaven.


    Isn’t life amazing! How about a racing friend who has traded barbs on your driver and met you at a race track -becoming the friend who stands by you and is so happy that you are back talking racin’ again. You gotta love the fans of this sport.

    Gabe – thanks for the note. Jason – we’re still pulling for you buddy.

    As always, see you on the radio!

    Enjoy the day!

    Claire B

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    Jason Needs Prayers November 5, 2008

    Posted by claireblang in Help Out, Listeners, Mail, NASCAR.
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    Claire B. Blog
    November 5, 2008
    Charlotte, NC Studio

    Sometimes something so powerful hits you from a race fan that it literally stops you in your tracks. That happened to me this week when I got an email from a listener about a friend of his that he met at a race track. I get a lot of emails but this one truly made a mark on me. Here’s the first email:

    email 11/4/08


    I’m having a hard time trying to write this email but I am needing to ask the NASCAR nation a favor. One of my dear friends, Jason Deel, who is a die hard Jeff Gordon fan is in very critical condition after hitting his head and falling 20 ft from a railroad bridge while at work. He has no injuries from the fall, it all stems from him hitting his head before the fall. He is currently in the hospital in Ohio and hasn’t been awake since the accident on Thursday. I met him at the race track through one of my good friends, whom he is now dating. We have became really good friends and share a love of NASCAR. He is a Gordon fan and I am a Jr fan so we are always giving each other a hard time about the race. This weekend was the first time in my life that I was pulling for Gordon to win the race to maybe help pull Jason through this. I didn’t think it was going to happen then at the end of the race there was Gordon finishing second. I immediately texted his girl friend to have her tell him he finished 2nd as I know he would have been very excited. And it was hard not getting that text ragging me about how Jr ran out of gas.

    If there is some way you can pass this along to the NASCAR nation and have them pray that he will recover from this and one day be able to attend another race and cheer his favorite driver on I would greatly appreciate it. I got a call this morning and it wasn’t the best of news but I will not give up on him and know he will put thought this situation. I know that everyone in Nascar nation is a huge family no matter who you root for and I would greatly appreciate all the prayers for Jason and his family.

    Thank you all!

    Gabe Calton

    After receiving the email (above) I tracked Gabe down and read his email on the air. He came on the air with me and told the story of meeting his friend Jason at the race track and the many hours of good fun they had ribbing each other about their drivers over the past years. Quickly, the instant messages and emails started coming in – people were listening and they were praying.

    Today, I received another email from Gabe with a picture of his friend Jason Deel – who is fighting for his life.

    Jason Needs Prayers

    email 11/5/08

    Claire B,

    I just wanted to take the time to thank you so much for allowing me to ask the Nascar Nation for their prayers for Jason Deel. That was a hard thing to do and I could talk days about him. I was just trying to keep my composure. It meant the world to me and I have passed on to his Girlfriend Tara that all of Nascar nation is praying for him to pull through this. Its been rough no doubt, I found out later that they are saying he may never awaken but I still stand firm on my statement that he will pull through this with the help of God and I thank you for allowing me to get the word out.

    I am attaching a picture of Jason and I at Bristol this spring standing at the pit gate watching the drivers coming in. I’m sure you can tell which on is Jason by his Jeff Gordon gear. The smile you see on his face is a smile that was always on his face. When around him you where always smiling.

    I will keep everyone that is interested updated and I appreciate everything you have done for him, and his family and friends.


    Like I said – some days I’ll get an email that just stops me in my tracks. To have a friend like Gabe – someone who you met via racing – and someone who refuses to give up on you and to have listeners who would stop and pray for someone they don’t even know. It’s powerful.

    Thanks to the listeners who passed a prayer on for Jason. Jason is pictured below (in the Gordon gear) next to his friend Gabe

    It means a lot.

    Enjoy the day – take nothing for granted. Never give up.

    Claire B

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    Claire B. Blog Monday, October 20, 2008 October 20, 2008

    Posted by claireblang in 2008 Season, Drivers, Items of Interest, Listeners, NASCAR, Transcripts.
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    Ryan Newman in August 2007 a...Image via WikipediaClaire B. Blog
    Monday, October 20, 2008
    Charlotte, NC

    Good morning from Charlotte! All the way home last night we debated sports in which the same team/person wins all the time and how fans of various sports react. That will be the topic today. I have had emails on how frustrated Kurt Busch was —ready to pull his car off the track – and asking for permission to do so……Penske management saying no. I have had emails from Johnson fans and fans of other drivers regarding the chase and statistically the chances that anyone can catch him.

    I got this from a listener: Larry maintains that most race fans who are “up on the wheel” today about their driver’s chances in the chase do not understand that “IF” their driver were to win all the remaining races, why wouldn’t they be in first place and win the championship.

    Larry writes, “Given that most of us thought it would take something like an average finish of 5 to win the championship, you will notice that ONLY three drivers can conceivably finish with a 5 or better average and that is ONLY if they win the remaining races. But what is really hard to fathom (for most) is that winning does not “dig oneself out of a deficit” because if a specific driver were to win and the top three drivers were to finish 2nd, 3rd and 4th, the largest point gain over the leaders would be a mere 10 points. At +10 points per weekend, it would take 10 weekends to make up for a 100 point deficit and then only if you won every weekend…the top drivers are “there” every weekend…..and to catch the 48 car, he will have to finish outside of the top 10 “more than once” for deficits to be made up.”

    Potential best avg if….IF any of the drivers were to win all of the remaining races…however unlikely….
    Chart- for Chase 10-20-08

    Obviously, at the rate we are going, says Larry, a “sub-avg-5” will not guarantee a championship….but something well below a sub-5 avg….maybe.

    Thanks Larry!

    Claire B


    Ryan Newman is driving a truck this weekend at Atlanta. I wrote the story from a source in a blog a couple of days ago and now it’s official.
    Ryan Newman, known as “The Rocket Man,” slides in behind the wheel of the No. 2 Kevin Harvick Inc. (KHI) American Commercial Lines (ACL) Chevrolet for the first time at Atlanta Motor Speedway (AMS). Newman has never driven in the Truck Series, but has an honorable pole record in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series with seven poles in thirteen Sprint Cup starts at AMS. Newman is currently tied for the all-time pole record in the Sprint Cup Series. Newman has two starts in the Nationwide Series and has one pole and a second place start in that division.


    Newman: “It’s the first time I’ve had the opportunity to run in the Truck Series. Everyone has always told me how much fun they have running the trucks, and now I’ve got the shot to see what it’s like. I expect to go there and have fun. But in saying that, we should have a shot at the win in the end. KHI has two really strong trucks. My teammate is Ron Hornaday, who is currently second in points, and I think he was second at Atlanta earlier this year so I expect we’ll have a really good truck – a top-five or top-10 truck. And by halfway, I’d like to be in a position where we have a shot at the win.”


    Newman: “First off, I have never driven a truck before and it was really something that I wanted to have the chance to do. Secondly, Kevin and DeLana (Harvick) are good friends of mine and (wife) Krissie’s, and when the seat came open in their 2 truck, we talked about it and he asked me if I would be interested. The timing was just right. It’s kind of a difficult time for them with having the need for a driver to fill the seat for the last few races, and I am glad to help them out at Atlanta this weekend.”


    Newman: “I don’t know since I haven’t driven one yet. I’m sure I will be talking to Kevin and Ron a lot over the weekend so that we can get the No. 2 truck up front.”


    Newman: “From what I understand, running the truck there, you are wide open. It’s a really fast track, trucks stick really well. The biggest thing I will have to learn is how the trucks race. It seems like they get pretty loose inside each other.”

    CHASSIS HISTORY: The No. 2 ACL team will bring chassis number 014 to Atlanta Motor Speedway. The chassis took to the track earlier this season at AMS where the No. 2 team earned their first top-10 finish of 2008 with a sixth-place finish. Chassis 014 also competed at Bristol (Va.) Motor Speedway and was rebuilt after the event due to a crash. The team refers to this chassis as “Old Faithful” due to the fact that this is the oldest downforce truck the No. 2 team has in their stable of chassis. “Old Faithful” also has a consistent record of being solid throughout a race and coming on strong at the finish.

    Thanks all….back to work in the studio getting today’s show ready. Thanks for checking out the blog!

    Claire B

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    Great Listener Emails… September 21, 2008

    Posted by claireblang in Listeners, Mail, NASCAR.
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    Hey all! Check out are some of my recent emails. They are good.
    Claire B.


    Post-Indy Emails…Goodyear Tires July 29, 2008

    Posted by claireblang in 2008 Season, Claire B's Mail, Controversy, Listeners, NASCAR.
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    Ginn Racing executes a pitstop at the 2007 Day...Image via WikipediaHey: I wanted to share with you some of the emails that I have gotten regarding Sundays Sprint Cup Race at Indianapolis. The takes are all valid and interesting and they cover both sides of the issue. Some fans are angry, others understand and say move on. Some even say they liked the twists and turns of the circumstances that made the race a series of shoot outs. Everyone is clear in saying that this should not happen again because it does not reflect well on the sport. I thought I’d share some emails that I have gotten for your reading, and discussion pleasure. Thanks to all who wrote the emails – you guys are awesome and I appreciate every single one.

    Claire B

    From Marc in AZ:


    The Indy Race was what it was. While NASCAR tried to do what was best for the race, they completely missed an opportunity to have a real race! They should have limited the teams to a single can of fuel per stop! Something like they have done in the past when they limited the fuel bladder size to conserve tire wear. Instead of thinking on their feet, they went the safe route and made the race into a bunch of heat races with extremely dangerous pit stop in between. They may have got the safety for the drivers correct but they missed it for the over the wall crews!

    While everyone is falling all over themselves praising NASCAR for keeping the race safe, they totally missed having a competitive race! NASCAR fans want to see green flag pit stops, not planned pit competitions! We want to see a race and allow teams to have a bit of strategy. When Mark Martin stopped a lap before the planned yellow, they got smart and closed the pits one to two laps before the planned caution. Now there is a way to defeat strategy!

    Hopefully this will never come to pass again but history has a tendency to repeat itself! Hopefully the next time we can see a race and NASCAR can find an alternate way to regulate time on track by restricting fuel and not go to planned cautions. Maybe we could even plan a test session before taking the racing brick to a track and allow all the competitors to participate!

    Just my thoughts!
    Marc Mills

    Tempe, AZ.


    From Ronald:

    2 consecutive off weekends for a Sprint cup race is torture. During Sundays event (wasn’t a race) I went on mowed my yard because I prefer to torture myself in 100 degree heat than watch a bunch of caution laps. 52 laps under caution is inexcusable.
    From Jerry in Indiana:

    How many times has goodyear screwed up a race ? To many. Thay should not make the teams pay for those crapy tires. When you have to stop the race every 10 laps and replace a crappy tire with another crapy tire. There is no race left. Jerry. In.
    Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
    From Kurt in LA

    The racing was bad. JJ won because he had the best pit crew. Gordan came out 5th cause he had the 5[th best pit crew. During the race I looked forward to the pit stops. They were awsome! No matter how bad the race was, it was better than watching bowling or golf.

    Kurt Cazayoux
    Lafayette, LA
    From Travis in Kansas:

    Damn I thought having a whole bunch of “heat races” in the form of the Brickyard 400 was extremely exciting.

    I thoroughly enjoyed it. And goodyear doesn’t make money on race tires, they lose money on every set of tires used at the track according to Smokey Yunick’s autobiography.

    Travis from Kansas
    From Bob in California:

    Wow back to the Tony George of old “I’m not wrong, don’t blame the track” we cannot be held responsible for Nascar’s & Goodyear not testing.
    Does he have stock in Firestone?
    Bob from CA

    From Rick in AR:

    This reminds me of the mess Indy had a few years back when F1 ran at Indy and 75% of the teams pulled off the track because of unsafe conditions on the track. If I recall, it had something to do with tires and one of the corners on the Indy road course.

    Fans are the ones who suffer in the end. As tough as things are in NASCAR, fans should cast their vote with the pocketbook. That would get NASCAR’s attention.

    Rick Aron
    Rogers, AR
    From Parker:

    I haven’t bought Goodyear tires since 1994 and yesterdays race confirmed my choice to use only Michellins. If I had paid to go to that race I would have left and been angry.
    From Marv:

    Hey Clare,

    If the scheduled cautions were really for safety, they should have required 4 new tires each stop and let them keep their place in the running order. That would have been much safer on pit road with the 35-36 cars and the mad scramble that ensued each time. There were lots of near misses involving crewmen on pit road. Teams could have still done the 2 tire/4 tire deal and hurried stops during the unscheduled cautions.

    What do you think?

    Marv Odell

    From Bob:

    Mark makes a great point in regards to the pits closing. They should have put the race into the teams hands, had the competition cautions and not made it mandatory to stop on them.
    As far as stopping and putting the Pocono tires on with no idea how those tires would have performed not sure that would have been a good idea. Maybe they should have tried those tires (Pocono) the day before, because they knew they already had the problem.
    Bob from CA

    From JS in ND:

    This was not a race. It was awful. The cars at the back of the pack
    never had much of a chance to move up and stay ahead. The
    commentators have been talking about how Jimmie Johnson had the best
    car, fastest in practice and on the pole, that he would probably have
    won anyway. He could take four tires each time and get back to the
    front, whereas those drivers who were trying to gain track position
    had to take two tires and couldn’t keep up with the four tires. He
    had the first pit stop which helped him tremendously, along with the
    cautions, which also was to his advantage. I agree with the drivers
    who said they were embarrassed at how this turned out. I am thankful
    that I did not pay to sit in the stands and watch this debacle. They
    owe all those fans tickets to next year’s race. Throw out the
    results to this race and give the fans a “do over”!!

    I can’t believe that Nascar didn’t try the Pocono tires. I would
    rather have seen that instead of what we saw yesterday.

    JS from ND

    From Clifford in Texas:

    Claire B –

    Last week on your show someone, I believe it was crew chief Kevin Hamlin, made the statement that the NASCAR races at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway are more competitive, and better races than recent Indianapolis 500s. HAH!

    Bob Kravitz of the Indianapolis Star called yesterday’s Allstate 400 at the Brickyard “the Lamest Spectacle” in racing and I totally agree!

    Kravitz also said: “This was the Tire de Farce. A fiasco. A joke. An embarassment for NASCAR and for Goodyear. Unfair to the fans, who paid good money to attend the Competition Yellow 400. And unsafe for the drivers who were screaming around the track on rubberized time bombs that couldn’t last beyond 10 laps.”

    Please advise Mr. Hamlin (and any others as appropriate) to direct their apologies to:

    Mr. Brian Barnhart
    President, Competition and Operations
    Indy Racing League
    4565 W. 16th St.
    Indianapolis, IN 46222

    I think one is certainly in order!

    Clifford D. Wuertz
    Houston, TX

    From Bob in MD:

    I am an HMS fan I am glad JJ won.

    I am not blaming Goodyear, the blame lays squarely on NASCAR. This is yet another example why the COT needs to go away.

    If you are going to have a manditory caution the field should be frozen with no change of position as a result of the caution.

    NASCAR needs to pentlize themselves.

    Bob in MD
    From Shiela:

    Give the Brickyard date to another track. Don’t go back, problem solved.

    Sheila Matthews, CPhT


    From Joe in California:
    I watched the race on TV. I am a fan of Newman. It was a race, it is not a diminished win for JJ. He earned it, the other 42 drivers dealt with the same conditions. It was just inexcusable on NASCAR and Goodyear’s part. It would have been stupid to go to the unknown Pocono tires.

    Joe – Arroyo Grande, CA
    From C Greensos:

    Claire B,

    The only good thing about the race is that the guy who won deserved the win. He was the pole sitter and was fast in traffic and Chad is his crew chief. He deserved it.

    A 17 fan.
    From Leslie in GA:

    hi claire,
    Íwas there yesterday as well as the atl race in the spring both had tire problems and it was handled better at indy than atl. However it was not what I paid for …. But it is still Indy and it is still way cool to go there every year, and we will renew for next year. OK we had many yellow flags but we did see cars going around vs no cars and rain!! It happen, let’s fix it and move on

    leslie back home in atl
    From Mark:

    I hold ALL fault with Goodyear. They knew at the test, as Jr. said, that the tires would not last more than 5 laps. If I were Goodyear and knew it was that bad, I would:

    a) go back to the drawing board and re-design the tire and then

    b) schedule another test with a newly designed tire.

    At the very least, bring a few sets of every tire they make and see if any hold up better than the others…

    It appears as though they knew of the problem and figured it would all work itself out come race day. Absolutely pitiful.

    Maybe it is time to revisit multiple manufacturers. We all know that the teams only get better because they have to face each other week in and week out. If Goodyear knew they had to face real competition week in and week out, maybe they would do a little more homework.

    From Dan in Green Bay:
    Of course the angriest people are the ones who were at the race. The rest of us were able to walk away from the TV without feeling the pain of having spent money to see it. With cautions being dictated through the entire race it took out the aspect of team strategy. They shld have put it in the teams’ hands at the half-way point. *Dan from Green Bay

    From Butch:
    At least the 18 did not win the Allstate pitstop 400, did the Pace car lead
    the most laps? I kept waiting for the pace car to take tires.
    Send that 48 & 24 around
    From Joyce in Arkansas:

    Hey Claire B.,

    Finally home after what seems like forever, so glad to be able to tune into Dialed In again!! I am so glad I did not buy tickets to the Brickyard 400, as much as I love the local short track heat races it is not what I expect from the top series of NASCAR. Even though NASCAR did what they felt best in the name of safety from the testing and practices they should of seen this coming and stepped in and done something about it. I know this is not their first rodeo, they should act like it.

    Joyce Bell
    Newport, Arkansas
    From Jimmy:


    Jimmy Grant
    From Sandy in GA:


    I am sooooo Thankful that no one got hurt in yesterdays race.

    I am sorry for the fans that traveled to the race and spent so much to attend it. I hope they found something positive about their experience in attending a NASCAR race. Each one is different. Surely, this was one of those.

    Sandy in GA
    From Sue in Ill:

    Dear Claire;

    I look forward to the Indy race, but Sunday’s race was a disaster. And there is certainly plenty of blame to go around, but it is pointless to cry over spilled milk. I think that NASCAR was between a rock and a hard place yesterday and their decision to throw all the competition cautions was the best solution to a very bad situation. It prevented a cancellation or half the field in the garage with torn up cars. Still there needs to be a re-evaluation of tire tests and the compounds used. In my opinion Goodyear needs to have more teams at each of the tire test to get more information and more opinions on the tires. But I will go further I think NASCAR needs to have their own test teams at tire tests to give their opinion on compounds. But NASCAR needs to do more work on the engineering and physics of this new car, because of the heavy loads on the right side of the cars there are tire issues at every track, work needs to be done on the cars. In hind site it may not have been such a good idea to implement the COT at all the tracks this year, but that is a decision that can not be changed so work with it. NASCAR R&D needs to go back to the Windtunnel and the track and work with all the teams to find changes that can be made to help the teams and Goodyear to make the tires safe and competitive.

    Now as for the race itself, the best car won the race, Jimmie Johnson and the 48 team were outstanding all weekend and they were smart and the got to kiss the bricks. And the tire strategy of both the 48 and 24 was absolutely the right choice; take 4 every time till the final stop. Both of those cars could pass at will and their crews deserve much of the praise for their excellent days. I am very happy with how my driver Jeff Gordon performed all day, he was good all day and I think they have turned the corner with their program and will be a contender for the rest of the season just like the 48 team. And Carl Edwards was also excellent all day even after having their tire issue, they battled back and finished strong. Frankly all the drivers who finished in the top 10 had excellent days, none of them were able to get into a rhythm but they all ran brilliantly all day. Now there were some drivers who just didn’t do so well, first Mark Martin didn’t seem to be a factor all day, it is never a good idea to say you are going to win publicly because you are bound to get bitten. And I was very surprised by how poorly Tony Stewart’s car ran, I expected a solid day and he just was off all day, as was Kyle Busch, though I was less surprised by his performance. And finally Matt Kenseth, I couldn’t believe that when he said the tire was going that he waited to pit, if he had been smart like Dale Jr. he may have ended up with a torn up car. Knowing what he did it was reckless to wait till a caution, he hurt his chase chances. And I thought Kurt Busch was a stand up guy, he said he made a mistake and accepted the blame, that is how a sportsman behaves.

    Thank You,
    Sue from Shorewood, IL


    From Snowfalls:

    Hey Claire,

    The race wasn’t the best as we all know, but Nascar had to make it safe. If they Nascar didn’t do the competion yellows, you would have had drivers crashing all over the place.

    I listened to Dale Jr on the radio and watch the hotpass coverage and it didn’t matter what driver it was they were just blowing through so many tires after seven laps because the tire was showing cords. There was just no grip on the track. In ten laps Dale could pass eight ten cars in that run. What you saw was short track racing. But I saw that with a lot of Drivers

    Over all it wasn’t a total mess. Nascar just made it safe under the circumstances for what they had.

    Oh by the way, did you notice that at one point you had three Hendrick cars up front?

    From Annie in Iowa:

    Hey Claire B!

    My husband looked over at me at the second competition yellow yesterday while we were watching the race on TV and said, “I can hear Claire B.’s phone ringing already!”

    While I understand that everyone did the best they could with the situation at hand yesterday at Indy, I cannot understand how NASCAR let that situation come to be? How can you not require testing a tire on a car that’s never run at a race track? Yesterday was a mockery of all that’s held holy by fans at any racetrack. NASCAR should be ashamed. Ashamed!!!

    Annie in Iowa
    From Ratnrace:

    Jeff Gordon 101 – Was that a race I watched yesterday or a 43 car tire test?! A caution every 12 laps to check tire wear?! I could’ve sworn that NASCAR does tire tests during the off season – as well as – all throughout the regular season?! Did you see the wear on those tires?! Did somebody at Goodyear get the shipping papers mixed up and send the wrong tires?! I have never seen anything so ridiculous as yesterday in all my years of watching NASCAR!!! I am glad that I didn’t spend money on transportation costs getting to Indiana, spend money on lodging, spend money on tickets to the Brickyard 400, etc. because I would be so damn livid today if I had indeed spent money on that circus show that NASCAR put on yesterday!!! That was absolutely ridiculous!!! I would love to give you some more from the soapbox, but I really am speechless!!! The good thing from yesterday – Gordon had a strong car, led a few laps, crossed the checkered in 5th, and remained 6th in points…other than that – that race (tire test) was an absolute joke!!!

    Please send the 24 car around 20 more times to get us to 101 wins!!!

    From Ruth in Cincinnati:


    Wow, am I glad I didn’t lay out any money for a ticket for that “RACE”? I was at qualifying and practice on Saturday and believe me I think it was more fun and much better then the actual event on Sunday. Where’s Tony when you need him…how come he hasn’t said anything about that travesty that happened on Sunday? Goodyear and Nascar should refund at least ½ of the ticket price for all of those that attended that disaster. Don’t be surprised if next year the tickets aren’t ½ price, if you only see ½ a race you shouldn’t have to pay full price.

    Send that #20 around.

    Ruth in Cincinnati
    From Rich in GA:

    I have two questions for you that maybe you could ask, one is for NASCAR and one is for a crew chief.

    Once NASCAR Realized that they were going to continue to do competition cautions yesterday, why didn’t they try to set the race up to maybe have a 12 or 13 lap shoot instead of the 7 lap one they had, cause they knew the tires would hold up about that long.

    Why didn’t one of the teams that were 15 to 20 try to gamble and pit with like 15 laps to go right before NASCAR closed pit road and before the last competition caution. If I was a crew chief I would have tried it!!! Cause you know you could run about 12 laps and I would have tried to get a top five out of it if not the win!!! Did no one think of that?

    Peachtree City, Georgia
    From Eric:

    Allstate at the Brickyard tickets $170.00

    Air Fare to Indianapolis $950.00

    Hotel $800.00

    Rental Car $320.00

    Misc Expenses $900.00

    Telling Gooodyear Racing and NASCAR to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine Priceless!!!
    Hi Claire B.

    We awakened this morning still angry from the debacle we witnessed at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway yesterday. It was our 15th Brickyard and is amongst 6/8 Cup Races we attend each year. The attendance yesterday estimated at 225,000 (the highest attended Cup Race this year) was still a disappointment as the usual crowd would approach 300,000 or more. When we arrived at the track we were shocked to see the large amount of empty seats when the race began. Obviously, the gas prices and economy kept people away from the famed Brickyard. Still, 225,000 stedfast fans were loyal and ready to see a great race at one of the premiere Sprint Cup races in the series. We spent our money knowing that the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and it’s staff were prepared, as in years past, to put on a great show and make sure the fans got their moneys worth. The Speedway did everything in it’s power to insure this would happen. The Race be gan after an amazing Pre Race program, rivaled only by the Indianapolis 500 and possibly the Daytona 500. Soon, it became evident that Goodyear Racing and possibly NASCAR had totally dropped the ball. Why on earth would NASCAR and Goodyear not test at the track where the COT had not raced before is beyond any imaginable reason. We and the other 224,998 fans were treated to, without a doubt, what was one of the worst races in NASCAR history. Shame on your Goodyear and shame on you NASCAR for allowing something like this to happen to your fans and IMS. We deserve much better. I feel sorry for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway who surely will be the one to suffer from something totally beyond their control. We love NASCAR and we particularly love the Brickyard because of the pageantry and history of the track. With that said, we, in all likelihood, will not attend the event again. I predict that what happened yesterday will cost the Bri ckyard another 25,000/50,000 attendees next year. Our feelings at this point are that Goodyear and NASCAR should refund the cost of tickets and expenses of getting to the race to all fans in attendance. What infuriated us further this morning is what we read in the Indianapolis Star, that neither Goodyear or NASCAR is accepting blame for what happened yesterday. Such an occurrence can only be rivaled by the cancellation of the CART Race at Texas Motor Speedway several years ago on race day and the F-1 Michelin debacle at the U.S. Grand Prix a few years back. Shame on you, shame on you Goodyear and NASCAR. If this isn’t a call for Hoosier Tire Company to re-enter NASCAR, I do not know what is. Maybe a bit of competition for Goodyear will be the medicine needed for them to get their act together. There is no reason and no excuse for something like this to occur—-EVER!!! We the fans, the Sprint Cup teams and Indianapolis Motor Speedway were the big losers and we deserve much better.

    We truly want to remain Loyal NASCAR fans but if we ever attend a race were something like this happens again it will be Good Bye NASCAR, Hello IRL. That also,was the sentiment of most of the fans in our stands yesterday.

    Eric in Tucson (still in Indy)
    From Coe in Alabama:


    On my lunch hour so keeping it short.

    Indy was a farce. I listened to the race on the radio (over broadcast radio not the ‘dog’) coming back from Louisiana and time with the grandsons and the race was pathetic. I will grant that no one was injured, but no one was lapped on the track, either.

    NASCAR issuing a warning that 12 laps was all the tires could take and warning that they would be black flagged at 15 laps would have been better.

    The pit stops should have been under GREEN. Those that could get a couple more laps would be evident after the first two stops. It was a farce.

    If ever Tony should have blown up at Goodyear, yesterday was the day. HOWEVER; I am betting that in the divers’ session and even earlier in the post-practice debriefings by officialdom it was made D*** clear that the teams, drivers, and owners better not be disparaging or they would ‘pay’.

    Kyle Bush: Time to start a rumor.
    If I were Home Depot, I would be very very upset at the Lowes Chevy consistantly finishing better than the Home Depot Chevy/Toyota over the last two and a half seasons. Soooo…. you need to put the bug in JD’s ear that this is what they need to do:

    Zippy and crew should swap crews with the 18.

    Joey Lagono would take over the ride with Zipedelli on the 18 team.
    Kyle Busch and the entire crew on the 18 would take over the #20 Home Depot! If JD will offer that to Home Depot, JGR might be able to keep the Home Depot sponsorship, IF Home Depot is not set against staying with Toyota.

    BTW: A die hard 24 fan is now so disgusted with NASCAR that he does not even DVR the races!!!! He has gone back to following open wheel!

    Coe in Alabama.

    Zemanta Pixie

    STOP THIEF! October 24, 2007

    Posted by claireblang in Help Out, Listeners.


    I got an email from a listener today a listener on my show. She needed help and so I put her on the air and she told a heart breaking story about the theft of a trailer with her kid’s race cars in it. I know that a lot of folks on the road listen to “Dialed In” on XM and so here’s the email that I eceived from the listener with the specifics and information in it. To help I’d like you to pass the word, let’s find whomever took this. Please let me know if you have seen this trailer. If you have seen this or have any information a reward is being offered so please let me know and pass the word.

    Claire B
    XM Satellite Radio

    I know that your audience includes many truck drivers and I am not sure if you can help but yesterday we had our trailer stolen from Avon, IN. Inside this trailer is our 2 boys most prized possesions, their quarter midget race cars. I have an 11 year old and 5 year old boy who are heart broken and I am just trying to get the word out to whoever could spot them. They were last seen traveling south on Hwy 51 in Illinois yesterday late afternoon and could be anywhere.
    The trailer is a 8X20 Gray United UTX race trailer. It has a side door with a scrape on the side, a ramp door, and damage to the top, front corner. The license plate may still be on it which is 55637 IN plate and it did have a sticker on the side,bottom that read “Driver:Nathan Toney”

    I appreciate any help you can provide or point me in a good direction. If someone sees anyone with this, they should call 911. I have 2 very broken hearted kids that just want their cars and a few of their personal items back. We are offering a sizeable reward for anyone that can help us get our stuff returned to us.

    Thank you,
    Beth Toney